

Há uns dias que andava a planear isto, mas parece que ela mesma se antecipou.

«I walked out of Alice's building and started hustling to work. Along with the morningtime coolness there was also something new in the air: this slight kind of back-to-school tightness. The sunlight seemed faintly to smell of sharpened pencils, a sensation that comported very nicely with the feeling of renewed education you get from being psychoanalyzed. And along with back-to-school flavor there was a definite edge of anticipation in the air as well. Because going to school year after year—it really schools you, and so at every onset of fall I'd always feel a certain seasonal imminence of big games and difficult exams, new crushes, homeroom disasters. At the beginning of every school year and now into adult life I'd walk toward class or work in the morning and think Something big is going to happen this year. At some point during these nine months that will seem longer than a year, something is definitely going to take place. The statistical near certainty, combined with the utter vagueness, sent the same chill through me that was already in the air.»

em Indecision de Benjamin Kunkel

Entretanto diz-nos a fonte iluminada que o equinócio de outono e a entrada oficial na nova estação estão marcados para as 5:03 (sim, da matina!) de amanhã. Boas entradas a todos ;-)


feelipa said...

quer isso dizer que a hora vai mudar?
alguém vai fazer 28 anos. ihihihihi
por isso pensa em outubros e outonos e mudanças. quase a cumprir-se outro ciclo de 7 anos.
se pensar no outono, isoladamente, com tempo seco e aquele sol quentinho. confesso que gosto muito. mas traz o inverno ... e eu não nasci para invernos.

eu mesma said...

eu já comprei a mochila nova para o 1º dia de aulas! LOL

teresa said...

e eu?? eu também vou fazer anos! :P